Our products

our current lineup of products for your company's automation needs

SQB Container

Designed to revolutionize the retail, FMCG, pharmacy, and real estate industries by providing a 24/7 always-open-store solution, enabling your products to be within reach, ensuring convenience and accessibility for your customers at all times.

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SQB Lite

Our smallest machine is no short in features. Introducing our modular solution tailored for indoor spaces, with uses ranging from inventory management to small retail.

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Why choose SQB Robotics?

key advantages of our solution

Cost Optimization

Reduce labor, rent and setup costs, minimize losses and optimize operational efficiency.

Open 24/7

Operate continuously without staff, providing constant service and increasing sales opportunities.

Enhanced Customer Service

Provide 24/7 access to products, improve convenience, and ensure consistent service quality.

Easy to use by everyone

user-friendly interface for browsing and selecting products.

Find out how our robots can work for you!

Call us:

+40 724 326 524